For a list of past publications and conference presentations, please view my CV.
Recent Publications
Representative Projects
- Albert Einstein -
“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research”
Current Projects
Tactile Graphs in Education
As a result of an Instructional Resource Award from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, I re-designed course materials for Introductory Psychology to make them accessible to students with visual impairments. These course materials* are a set of eight teaching modules for various topics in the Intro Psych curriculum and are effective for improving students' scientific reasoning skills.
To find out more, visit the project site at Open Science Framework:
*Teaching module design and research funded by National Science Foundation DUE # 105060.
Interteaching for Hybrid Courses
"Interteaching" is a pedagogical method born from simple behavioral approaches. Students work on preparation guides prior to coming to class and use paired peer teaching during class to review concepts, with guidance from the instructor. Additionally, the instructor identifies points of confusion or difficulty and uses the last 1/3 or so of class time to lecture on only those topics. This method has been well-supported in the literature but lacks a strong base of applied classroom research support. My goal is to test the use of Interteaching in undergraduate courses in psychology.
To access a poster I presented at the Association for Psychological Science (2018) conference, go to
Check out my Motivation and Engagement for Student Success (MESS) lab!